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When to Go Where

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When to Go Where






List your SPARQL queries to your competency questions along with answers retrieved from your ontology/KG such as the below.

Question: What are the hikes in Arches National Park?

Query 1: SPARQL query to fetch hikes in Arches National Park

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw-ind: <>
SELECT ?hike
    ?hike oe-wtgw:isHikeOf oe-wtgw-ind:ArchesNationalPark

Result 1: Hike retrieved


Question: What is the park’s location using longitude and latitude?

Query 2: SPARQL query to fetch parks and their latitude

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw-ind: <>
PREFIX Locations: <>

SELECT ?park ?latitude
    ?park Locations:hasLocation ?location .
    ?location Locations:hasLatitude ?latitude .
    FILTER(datatype(?latitude) = xsd:decimal)
ORDER BY DESC(?latitude)

Result 2: Parks and latitudes retrieved

Park Latitude
Rocky Mountain National 44.33
Arches National Park 37.2982

Question: What parks are in Maine?

Query 3: SPARQL query to fetch parks in Maine

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw-ind: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw: <>

SELECT ?park
    ?park rdf:type oe-wtgw:NationalPark .
    ?park oe-wtgw:hasState oe-wtgw-ind:Maine .

Result 3: Park retrieved

Acadia National Park

Question: Which national park has the coolest summer temperatures in the Midwest?

Query 4: SPARQL query to fetch parks with summer temperatures in the Midwest

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw-ind: <>
PREFIX Locations: <>

SELECT ?park ?longitude ?summerTemp
    ?park rdf:type oe-wtgw:NationalPark .
    ?park Locations:hasLocation ?location .
    ?location Locations:hasLongitude ?longitude .
    ?park oe-wtgw:hasAvgSeasonalTemperature ?tempInd .
    ?tempInd rdf:type oe-wtgw:AvgSeasonalTemperature .
    ?tempInd oe-wtgw:temperatureHasSeason oe-wtgw-ind:Summer .
    ?tempInd oe-wtgw:hasTemperature ?summerTemp .
    FILTER(?longitude >= -110 && ?longitude <= -82)
ORDER BY ASC(?summerTemp)

Result 4: Park with the coolest summer temperature

Park Summer Temperature
Rocky Mountain National 70°F

Question: I am new to hiking. Which national park has cool summer temperatures and hikes less than 2 miles?

Query 5: SPARQL query to fetch parks with short hikes and cool summer temperatures

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw-ind: <>

SELECT ?park ?summerTemp ?hike ?distance
    ?park rdf:type oe-wtgw:NationalPark .
    ?park oe-wtgw:hasAvgSeasonalTemperature ?tempInd .
    ?tempInd rdf:type oe-wtgw:AvgSeasonalTemperature .
    ?tempInd oe-wtgw:temperatureHasSeason oe-wtgw-ind:Summer .
    ?tempInd oe-wtgw:hasTemperature ?summerTemp .
    ?park oe-wtgw:hasHike ?hike .
    ?hike oe-wtgw:hasDistance ?distance .
    FILTER(?distance <= 2)
ORDER BY ASC(?summerTemp)

Result 5: Park and hike retrieved

Park Temp Hike Distance
Crater Lake National 65°F Watchman Peak Trail 1.7 mi

Question: What are the longest hikes in California’s national parks?

Query 6: SPARQL query to fetch longest hikes in California

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw: <>
PREFIX oe-wtgw-ind: <>

SELECT ?park ?hike ?distance
    ?park rdf:type oe-wtgw:NationalPark .
    ?park oe-wtgw:hasState oe-wtgw-ind:California .
    ?park oe-wtgw:hasHike ?hike .
    ?hike oe-wtgw:hasDistance ?distance .
    FILTER(datatype(?distance) = xsd:decimal)
ORDER BY DESC(?distance)

Result 6: Longest hike retrieved

Hike Distance
Lakes Trail 12.2 mi